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Safe to School campaign to make children safer on the way to school

This year, the Transport Safety Agency is again launching a national prevention campaign, Safe to School, to make children safer on their way to school. This year, the campaign's slogan is "We are all at the heart of road safety" and emphasises bringing together the community - pupils, teachers, parents, carers and all road users.

Slovenia - one of the safest countries in Europe for child road safety

The Agency, the police and other partners aim to remind drivers and other road users of the importance of their role in ensuring children's safety on the way to school, at extra-curricular activities and on all routes in general. "Only by participating responsibly and tolerantly in traffic can we ensure children's safety on their journeys," the Agency stresses.

  • A teacher and a first-grader in front of the school blackboard.

    Police officers are also taking part in the campaign and will be checking traffic signals on road links near schools and on school routes during the week and informing road maintenance if there are any irregularities. Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA

Every year, during the first days of school, children are protected on school routes throughout Slovenia, in places where children's safety may be at risk. Child safety volunteers are involved in helping pupils cross the road at the most dangerous sections and reminding drivers to drive even more carefully.

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Author: Vesna Žarkovič

Date: 27. August 2024

Time to read: 3 min