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Ambassadors of the Slovenian economy on the development of the Made in Slovenia brand

"It is important to have a strong umbrella brand Made in Slovenia, based on quality. It would prove that we know how to make good products in Slovenia. A Made in Slovenia brand would also help us break into foreign markets," said Minister of the Economy, Tourism and Sport Matjaž Han at a meeting of Slovenian business ambassadors in Lipica.

A brand, not a subcontractor

Aleša Mižigoj, Managing Director of Medex Group, said that Slovenia needs to "win" in niche industries, as it is difficult to compete with big countries or their economies.

"At Medex, we are determined to penetrate foreign markets as a brand, not as subcontractors."

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Made in Slovenia

Many Slovenian companies are well-known abroad, but Slovenia lacks a strong national brand, Made in Slovenia, which would brand innovative and quality Slovenian products. Melanja Korošec, Director of Strategic Marketing and Innovation at Marles, believes that a brand should demonstrate the value of Slovenian companies and at the same time represent competition with other countries.

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The meeting of ambassadors of the Slovenian economy abroad is organised by the Spirit agency, which has been running the national promotional campaign I Feel Slovena since 2019. Green. Creative. Smart. According to Rok Capl, Director of Spirit, 41 ambassadors have been selected as part of the campaign - outstanding Slovenian companies that stand out for their breakthrough business models, solutions, products and services, and contribute to increasing the visibility of Slovenia as a technologically developed, creatively oriented and green country in foreign markets. During the meeting, the ambassadors also visited Pipistrel, which is also among the ambassadors.

Author: Vesna Žarkovič

Date: 12. September 2024

Time to read: 2 min