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Data as the key to a sustainable future for tourism

The panel on tourism, The Power of Data in Tourism Today and Tomorrow, which took place in the framework of the 19th International Conference Bled Strategic Forum, has successfully concluded in Bled. Organised by the Slovenian Tourist Board in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport, the event brought together top experts, representatives of countries, destinations and the tourism industry from Slovenia and abroad to discuss the key role of data in shaping the future of the tourism sector.

Continuous education and innovation

The panel of prominent speakers demonstrated how data enables the personalisation of tourism experiences, improves the management of tourism flows and supports sustainable development and environmental protection. The need for continuous learning and innovation was highlighted as essential for the competitiveness of the sector. Quality data, participants agreed, is the foundation for strategic decision-making that enables sustainable tourism growth.

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The tourism sector faces many challenges, such as the need for sustainable development, digital transformation and efficient management of tourism flows. In order for the industry to successfully adapt to these challenges, it is essential to have a clear vision of how and where we want tourism to develop. Data and advanced technologies are key tools for achieving these goals.

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Author: Vesna Žarkovič

Date: 4. September 2024

Time to read: 4 min