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Tivoli Park - so lovely and green

The landscape parke is known for its two seemingly separete parts – Tivoli Park and forest. They are complemented by species-rich meadow, wetland and water ecosystems. Tis is a place where nature is connected to culture and where sports and other leisure activities are closely intertwined.

Let's begin the story about Tivoli park with an interesting question! Did you know that Tivoli , Rožnik and Šiška hill lanscape park is bigger as New York City's Central Park (341 hectares)and London's Hyde Park (140 hectares)? Whereas Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape Park comprises 459 hectares.

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Tivoli Park has interesting history and reach cultural heritage

A wider area of Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape Park was first mentiond in connection with a water supply system built in the 2nd century, which supplied Emona with water.

 Later France had a huge impact. Ljubljana found itself under French occupation and become the capital of Napoleon's Illyrian Provinces, which streched from Tyrol all the way present-day Montenegro. It was during that time that the authorities decided to create a new park in their new regional capital.

The park was designed in 1813 French engineer Jan Blanchard. He used the gardens of two Ljubljana mansions as the basis for the park.

He designed tree-lined lanes and flower gardens, but the park got its present appearance gradually. One of the first major additions came in 1880, when a fish pond was constructed in the southern part of the park. The pond was soon followed by an adjacent tropical greenhouse, and both features continue to draw visitors to Tivoli.

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Architect Jože Plečnik designed the present appearance of the park in 1920 and ´30s. He designed Tivoli's central promenade, adorning it with his characteristic, neo - classical lampposts. 

The architect wanted to connect the city Ljubljana into a whole by  combination of street axes, and the creation of charming vantage points and parks. He had lot's of ideas also for the Tivoli Park. 

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Tivoli also houses many cultural attractions including the International Centre of Graphic arts which is housed in the marvellous 17th century Tivoli Mansion. In the park you can find also the Museum of Modern History and the cit's zoo.

There are few cultural monuments of national importance: aside Plečnik Promenade also Cekin Mansion, Triangular Park, location of the summer theatre in Tivoli. You can take a look also at 23 other cultural heritage units (Boy with a Fish, Shepherd, Ivan Cankar Monument at Rožnik Hill, Visitation of Mary Church at Rožnik Hill, etc). Cultural monuments of local importance are: Cankar Memorial Room at Rožnik Hill, Tivoli Hotel, Memorial plaque to the Founding Congress of the CPS, Monument to the Pioneers, Monument to the Miner, Archaeological site of Ljubljana.

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The nature of the landscape park is exceptional. The area is home to 700 different species of plants, 500 species of butterflies, 1250 species of fungi, 110 species of beetles, 100 species of birds ( 70 of which are a nesting birds), 50 species of spiders, 45 species of dragonflies, 25 species of mamals (9 of them are bat species), 11 species of amphibians, 2 species of crustaceans.

A greenhouse with tropical plants stands near the northwestern end of the pond. Next to the greenhouse, ther's a rose garden. Over 160 types of roses, including the first Slovenian cultivar, Prešeren, were added in 2010.


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It's a perfect place for everybody

Would you like to have a pleasant day? Are you interested in sightseeing in Ljubljana or would you prefer a walk through the forest while enjoying the birdsong? Do you need a pleasant place for a run? Or perhaps you’d like to have a coffee by the lake? Would you like to play with your children somewhere far from but still close to the city center? Tivoli Park offers all of this. Don’t forget to visit it when you come to the Slovenian capital.

Sourse for the article:  Treasures in the middle of the city 

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Author: Tanja Glogovčan Belančić

Date: 20. September 2024

Time to read: 3 min