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French Minister Barrot: "Slovenia Has Truly Established a Strong Presence in France"

Jean-Noel Barrot, Delegate Minister for the EU and Europe at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, visited the Slovenia House in Paris with his delegation. During his tour, the minister emphasized the excellent relations between Slovenia and France.

In the morning session of the Slovenia House program, representatives of Slovenian companies discussed deepening business relations with their French partners. Later in the afternoon, Minister Jean-Noel Barrot and his delegation visited the Slovenian House.

Franjo Bobinac, President of the Slovenian Olympic Committee – Association of Sports Federations, guided the minister through the Slovenian House, an information, presentation, and event center for Slovenia during the Olympic Games in Paris. La Villette Park, transformed into the Park of Nations during the games, also hosts houses of other national Olympic committees, including the host France, located near the Slovenian House.

Minister Jean-Noel Barrot expressed his wish to visit all the houses but chose the Slovenian one. "Slovenia has truly established a strong presence in France during these games. I wish Slovenian athletes all the best for the rest of the games. You already have one gold medal, which is a great achievement. I just heard that Slovenia is ranked first in the number of Olympic medals per capita," said the minister. He added that both France and Slovenia are very sporty nations, and the connection between the countries is much deeper.

"The relations between Slovenia and France are very solid. President Emmanuel Macron has also personally committed to close relations between our countries. We are connected by numerous joint projects in various fields, both economic and digital. The relations are very fruitful," he noted, adding that such events are an opportunity to further strengthen these relations.

President of the OKS-ZŠZ, Franjo Bobinac, thanked France for its excellent hospitality and organization of the games. "During the games, Paris is not only the centre of sports but also of diplomacy, business, and networking. For us, besides sports competitions, it is also an excellent opportunity to promote our country," said President Bobinac. He added that the games in Paris are among the most sustainable and urban games so far.

"Every day, I am amazed by the events at various locations connecting people. That's why we all feel at home here in Paris," he added. "Thank you for the excellent organization and hospitality, which is a clear sign of French-Slovenian friendship."

The Slovenia House in Paris will be open until August 11, until the end of the games. The Slovenia House Paris 2024 project, supported by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, is managed by the Slovenian Olympic Committee – Association of Sports Federations, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Tourism, and Sport, the public agencies SPIRIT Slovenia and the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris, and the Government Communication Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

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Author: Polona Prešeren

Date: 7. August 2024

Time to read: 3 min