One of the special Carnival deserts are also mouses.
30 dag flour
0.5 baking powder
1 egg
2 dl plain yogurt
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon rum
1 fist of raisins
0.5 teaspoon salt
3 sour apples
lemon peel
oil for frying
powdered sugar for sprinkling
Wash apples well and grate them with the peel.
Let them stand a little to release the juice.
Pour the flour into a bowl and add baking powder.
Soak the raisins in rum and let them stand for 2 hours.
Add salt, lemon zest, egg, yogurt and sugar to the flour and mix. Add the raisins with the rum.
Mix and add the apples with the juice
Mix well and leave to rest for 15 minutes.
With a spoon put walnut-sized pieces into hot oil.
Bake slowly and then drain on kitchen paper.
Sprinkle them with sugar if desired.
Date: 17. February 2020
Time to read: 1 min